Effect of Aperture on
Single Frame Depth-of-Field and
Rik Littlefield (email
rj.littlefield at computer.org)
Page written May 11, 2005,
Revised August 19, 2005,
Last minor edit April 25, 2009.
Shallow depth of field is a
problem when photographing small
things. Stopping down the lens is not a complete solution.
some optimum point, stopping down the lens reduces geometric blur but
makes the entire image fuzzy due to diffraction effects. When
photographing something the size of a housefly, the optimum point is
typically f/8 or wider, and the useful depth of field ("depth of
detail") for a single picture is often 0.1 mm or less. The
problem becomes more severe with smaller subjects.
below are typical results, obtained with a Sigma 105 mm f/2.8
macro lens at 1:1, on a Canon Digital Rebel camera (22.7 x 15.1 mm
sensor size). The subject
is a Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary (Boloria
selene), tipped at roughly 45
degrees to the optical axis. A single full frame is shown at
right; crops showing more detail appear in the series below.
If the goal is maximum detail, then
the optimum aperture for this lens under these conditions is only
around f/8-f/11 (see series below). Stopping down farther results
in progressively less
detail. Resolution is obviously degraded even at f/16 and becomes
worse with smaller apertures. At f/45 the image would be noticeably
fuzzy even in a 4x6
inch print.
Unfortunately, at f/8 the depth of high resolution in a single frame is
0.015 inch (0.375 mm).
Extended-depth-of-field software, such as Zerene Stacker, Helicon Focus and CombineZP,
allows high resolution to be achieved
over great depths. The images labeled "f/8 + EDOF" result from
compositing 35 frames spaced at 0.015 inches, resulting in a total
depth of field of 0.525 inch (13.1 mm).

References and Credits
To the best of my knowledge, the earliest solid technical discussion
of this topic is a June 1960 article by H. Lou Gibson,
"Magnification and Depth of Detail in Photomacrography" (J. Phot. Scty. Amer., 26, 34-46).
It includes a detailed mathematical analysis. An
extended and much more approachable discussion can be found in the
venerable Kodak
Technical Publication N-12B, "Photomacrography", copyright 1969, now
out of print but still commonly available through used book
In Kodak's N-12B, Figure II-82 provides "A photographic demonstration
of depth
of detail ... [using] a butterfly wing tilted away from the camera at
45 degrees". That figure served as the model
for the illustrations appearing in this web page.
The work presented here is a personal publication of capabilities and
techniques developed by the author. You may link to this page,
but please do not reference in archival publications; contact the
author instead. All images and text
are copyright Rik Littlefield, 2005-2009.
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